Fashion Tips

Friday, March 14, 2014


Today we would be learning how to dress for that interview
So, you’ve  got a promising Job Interview coming up and you don’t have a clue what to wear?!
Here are the “Do’s and Don’ts” when going for a Job Interview
The guidelines:  
1. Make sure your clothes are neatly ironed and pressed. Nothing gives away the lack of attention to detail more than wrinkled clothing.
2. Make sure your clothing fits properly. If your pants or sleeves are too long or something is too loose or too tight you’ll look and probably feel awkward.
3. Don’t wear flashy jewellery. You’ll want the interviewer to pay attention to you, not your bling.

4. Dress according to the season. Don’t wear a stuffy turtleneck sweater in the middle of the summer.
5. Don’t wear strong perfume or aftershave. You never know if your interviewer is allergic and this isn’t a good way to find out.
6. Make sure you have a nice, clean haircut.
7. For men, make sure you shave – keep facial hair to a minimum!
8. For women, don’t wear anything that is too revealing. It’s best to keep your body parts inside your clothing!

9. Avoid articles of clothing with loud, busy prints. Wear solid colors that flatter your skin tone.
10. For women, make sure you wear appropriate lingerie underneath your clothing. This will give you smooth lines and assure you don’t have visible lingerie on your backside.

11. For women, don’t overdo your make-up Wear natural colors and avoid heavy eye shadow, eyeliner and bright colored lipstick.
12. For pants outfits, make sure you wear a belt that matches the color of your shoes

Bottom line
Congratulations on getting the interview. Now you know exactly what to wear to help you get the job!


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